
Although not strictly a technical function, we integrate approvals into our standard management processes. The project quality management team at Chokhavatia Associates ensures that at phase completion, there is an adequate review of each aspect of a project’s deliverable. We follow a formal process to undertake stringent examination, testing and reviewing ultimately certifying that work has been completed to specifications and budgets.

Our effective management of the approval process ensures that each project phase and associated deliverable  is satisfactorily completed before commencement of further phases. Clients receive an in depth report of the project status at that point in time, and this further allows clients to assess the direction of the project, and to provide project planning updates, if required.

We are able to undertake any of the three typical approvals processes, or a combination of all three.

  • Project plan (and plan changes) occurring at the beginning or after changes to the project outline
  • Phase reviews occurring at the end of each phase
  • Deliverable reviews; occurring at the point of completion and at the end of the project.

In many cases, the approval process will trigger contractor payments based on prearranged and negotiated deliverable.